Acreditaciones transportistas aéreos

Ad-hoc cargo operations from third countries outside the ACC3 program





To complete the form it is mandatory to have a User Certificate class 2 CA of the FNMT-RCM, well the one included in your electronic ID, either have it installed in your browser, in which case the following three types of certificates, issued by the FNMT-RCM, are supported exclusively: certificate of natural person, legal person, or officer of the Public Administration. This registration process consists of three parts:

  • Test operation of your User Certificate
  • Application form
  • Electronic signature of the application


Before you start, please make sure that you meet the following technical requirements:

  • To have installed Internet Explorer 9 or 11 (version 10 not supported)

  • To have installed the JAVA virtual Machine 1.7 (download available on
  • To check that the level of safety in the Java Control Panel is located in the level MEDIUM.
  • To have enabled as trusted sites, under the tab security in the Java Control Panel, the following:


When you are sure of meeting the requirements set out above, click HERE to start the Test of your user certificate (if you use your DNIe it shall be checked that both, your reader and digital signature software, work perfectly). If everything is correct, after login, you will be redirected to the information request form. If you had problems with the Test, check your installation and/or repeat the process restarting the browser. If the problem persists, send an email to our mailbox.


Lector DNI electrónico