Acreditaciones transportistas aéreos






What is the base of the ACC3 granting?


ACC3 designation is granted based on the country of departure of those flights with destination in the European Union, regardless of country of origin of the airline.


The ACC3 designation is granted based on the airline, on the country of origin or on the airport of origin?


An ACC3 designation is needed for every third country airport from which air cargo is being carried into the European Union.


My airline flies from a third country (e.g. Russia) to the European Union, but does not bring any cargo to the European Union. Do I need to ask for an ACC3 designation?


No, the ACC3 designation is only required for those airlines that bring cargo to the European Union from a third country airport.


My airline brings cargo from a third country that is included in the "Green List" to the European Union. Do I need to ask for an ACC3 designation?


No, those carriers that perform cargo flights from a "Green Listed" third country, according the ATTACHMENT 6-Fii of Regulation (UE) Nº 2015/1998, to the European Union do not need an ACC3 designation for flights coming from these countries.


My airline belongs to a European Union's country or to a "Green Listed" country, but does bring cargo from a third country airport to the European Union. Do I need to ask for an ACC3 designation?


Yes. The need of being designated as an ACC3 company depends on the country where the departure airport of the flight with destination in the European Union is located, regardless of the country of origin of the airline.


Who do I need to refer to in order to ask for an ACC3 designation?


Air carriers belonging to a Member State should refer to their country of origin Appropriate Authority in order to get an ACC3 designation, regardless the country they have been linked to by virtue of the Regulation (EU) No 2016/282 specifying the administering Member State for each aircraft operator.


My airline (which belongs to a third country) performs cargo flights from a third country airport to an airport located in a European Union Member State exclusively (e.g. Italy), but is linked to Spain by list of aircraft operators which performed an aviation activity (Regulation (EU) No 2016/282) specifying the administering Member State for each aircraft operator. Which National Authority should I refer to in order to get an ACC3 designation?


The application must be filed with the state which the airline is linked to by virtue of the list of aircraft operators which performed an aviation activity specifying the administering Member State for each aircraft operator (Regulation (EU) No 2016/282), regardless the destination of those flights inside the European Union.


Which are the stages that compose the process of the EU aviation security validation for ACC3?


The EU aviation security validation in respect of an air carrier's relevant cargo operations shall consist of:

  • (a) an examination of the air carrier's security programme ensuring its relevance and completeness in respect of all points set out in Attachment 6-G of the Regulation (EU) No 2016/282; and
  • (b) verification of the implementation of aviation security measures in respect of the relevant cargo operations by using the checklist set out in Attachment 6-C3 of the Regulation (EU) No 2016/282.


My company has a security program approved by the competent authority of the issuing State of the air operator certificate and also the structure follows its own corporate form of the company: this is valid for the purpose of EU aviation security validation for ACC3?


No, the security program of the air carrier must ensure their adequacy and completeness on all the points defined in Appendix 6-G of Regulation (EU) No. 2015/1998, so the manner prescribed by AESA follow the security program model established for this purpose, not being valid any that do not follow these guidelines.